Release Info:
Where: Coastal Inn Beulah
475 N. Michigan Avenue, Beulah MI 49617
When: Friday, Jan 6, 2023 5:00PM
Post-release Party:
Where: Five Shores Brewing
North Sky Raptor Sanctuary is pleased to announce that the barred owl rescued by the Benzie County Sheriff’s Department on December 5th, 2022 has made a full recovery and is ready to be released back into the wild!
North Sky Raptor Sanctuary has networked with Coastal Suites Resort Beulah and are pleased to invite the public to the release event at their sister property - Coastal Inn Beulah!
The Coastal Inn Beulah is a perfect release point as it borders the Trapp Farm Nature Preserve (a Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy managed property). Considering the location she was found (presumed car collision) and the habitat that the Trapp Farm Nature Preserve offers, we are confident that we are releasing her back into her home territory - in time to reestablish the relationship with her mate (they’re a monogamous species but perform courtship behaviors each February to reaffirm their bond after being apart for Fall and early Winter), redefine their territory, and spruce up their nest site for owlets (expected in March/April)!